Thursday 12 November 2015

AWS Cloudwatch Logs
For using AWSCLI (plain one as well as with cwlogs plugin) see
For pattern syntax (plain text[space separated] as as {JSON syntax}) see:
For python command line utility awslogs see

AWSCLI: aws logs filter-log-events

AWSCLI is official CLI for AWS services and now it supports logs too.
To show help:
$ aws logs filter-log-events help
The filter can be based on:
  • log group name --log-group-name (only last one is used)
  • log stream name --log-stream-name (can be specified multiple times)
  • start time --start-time
  • end time --end-time (not --stop-time)
  • filter patter --filter-pattern
Only --log-group-name is obligatory.
Times are expressed as epoch using milliseconds (not seconds).
The call might look like this:
$ aws logs filter-log-events \
    --start-time 1447167000000 \
    --end-time 1447167600000 \
    --log-group-name /var/log/syslog \
    --filter-pattern ERROR \
    --output text
It prints 6 columns of tab separated text:
  • 1st: EVENTS (to denote, the line is a log record and not other information)
  • 2nd: eventId
  • 3rd: timestamp (time declared by the record as event time)
  • 4th: logStreamName
  • 5th: message
  • 6th: ingestionTime
So if you have Linux command line utilities at hand and care only about log record messages for interval from 2015-11-10T14:50:00Z to 2015-11-10T15:00:00Z, you may get it as follows:
$ aws logs filter-log-events \
    --start-time `date -d 2015-11-10T14:50:00Z +%s`000 \
    --end-time `date -d 2015-11-10T15:00:00Z +%s`000 \
    --log-group-name /var/log/syslog \
    --filter-pattern ERROR \
    --output text| grep "^EVENTS"|cut -f 5

AWSCLI with cwlogs plugin

The cwlogs AWSCLI plugin is simpler to use:
$ aws logs filter \
    --start-time 2015-11-10T14:50:00Z \
    --end-time 2015-11-10T15:00:00Z \
    --log-group-name /var/log/syslog \
    --filter-pattern ERROR
It expects human readable date-time and always returns text output with (space delimited) columns:
  • 1th: logStreamName
  • 2nd: date
  • 3rd: time
  • 4th till the end: message
On the other hand, it is a bit more difficult to install (few more steps to do plus current pip requires to declare the installation domain as trusted one).
$ pip install awscli-cwlogs --upgrade \
--extra-index-url= \
$ aws configure set plugins.cwlogs cwlogs
(if you make typo in last command, just correct it in ~/.aws/config file)

awslogs command from jorgebastida/awslogs

This become my favourite one - easy to install, powerful, easy to use.
$ pip install awslogs
To list available log groups:
$ awslogs groups
To list log streams
$ awslogs streams /var/log/syslog
To get the records and follow them (see new ones as they come):
$ awslogs get --watch /var/log/syslog
And you may filter the records by time range:
$ awslogs get /var/log/syslog -s 2015-11-10T15:45:00 -e 2015-11-10T15:50:00
Since version 0.2.0 you have there also the --filter-pattern option.
The output has columns:
  • 1st: log group name
  • 2nd: log stream name
  • 3rd: message
Using --no-group and --no-stream you may switch the first two columns off.
Using --no-color you may get rid of color control characters in the output.

Docker with Cloudwatch logs:

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