Monday 30 November 2015

Netflix Spinnaker - Multi Cloud Continuous Deployment

Spinnaker is Netflix's Continuous Delivery platform based in open source for releasing software changes..   

Spinnaker has already been in development for more than a year now as a replacement to Asgard, Netflix's previous model for managing Amazon Web Services cloud resources.

A big difference, Netflix reps stressed is that Spinnaker is a multi-cloud platform upon which engineers can run deployments across two cloud providers simultaneously. "Spinnaker facilitates the creation of pipelines that represent a delivery process that can begin with the creation of some deployable asset (such as an machine image, Jar file, or Docker image) and end with a deployment," explained Andy Glover, manager of delivery engineering at Netflix, explained in a blog post on Monday.

Along with Google Cloud Platform, Spinnaker also supports the deployment and management of clusters on AWS and Cloud Foundry. And Netflix plans to work with Microsoft engineers so that the tool will dovetail with the Microsoft Azure cloud service.

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