Monday 30 November 2015

Syrian Proxy War Primer

The New York Times' attempt to explain who's fighting who:

Why? Qatar needed to get its Qatar-Turkey pipeline through Syria, and Europe looked forward to linking up with the world's largest gas producer because it was over-dependent on Russian supplies. Russia had previously cut off gas supplies to Europe in the dead of winter 2009 after a dispute with Ukraine over gas royalties. Europe now urgently needs to find an alternate gas supply not controlled by Russia. This makes a middle-eastern pipeline coming through Syria a very attractive proposition.
The Assads soon realized that they were in a position of power. They decided to up the ante by creating an alternative source of fuel for a trans-Syrian pipeline. So instead of the Qatar-Turkey pipeline, Assad stitched together a deal with the Shia administration in Iraq, together with Iraq's other neighbor, Iran - the largest Shia nation in the world. The Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline project was born.

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